

In memoriam…

Larry Sessions, a columnist for Earth & Sky, has suggested in his blog that the gamma-ray event whose radiation reached us a few hours before Arthur C. Clarke died, and which occurred 7.5 billion years ago, be named the Clarke Event. The outburst, which produced enough visible light to render it a naked-eye object across half the universe, is officially designated GRB 080319B. What more fitting tribute to Clarke than to associate his name with the greatest bang since the big one? Sessions suggests writing to any astronomers, heads of physics departments, or planetarium operators you know and talking up the proposal.

A murit Arthur C. Clarke

Arthur C. ClarkeE ciudat sa incepi o sectiune dintr-un blog cu un articol rau – un articol despre moartea unui om, dar… uite ca s-a intamplat, desi urasc din toata inima lucrul asta.

Marele scriitor SF, de origine englez, Sir Arthur C Clarke a murit in Sri Lanka la varsta de 90 de ani.

Nascut in Somerset, el a devenit faimos in 1968 dupa ce a scris o proza scurta intitulata Santinela (The Sentinel) care apoi a facut parte din filmul aparut in 2001: Odiseea Spatiala, de Stanley Kubrick.

Moartea marelui scriitor a survenit la ora 1:30 dupa un atac cardio – respiratoriu.

Ne relateaza BBC.