
Art of Life


Ne reintalnim, tarandu-ne ingenuncheati
pe sub pielea unei sanse pierdute…
Mi-e teama ca mi-au crescut unghiile prea mult
in tot acest timp si-acum pot scurma
toate povestile acelea fara sens in trupul tau amar…
Trecut; ziduri ravasite ale unei minti rasucite –

the love letter

are you the one?; the only soul I’d lay my head on – tell my tale
love letters sent to all the stars; I picked the moon – (green eyes and an) apple of sin
I wish I were the whispers on your lips; the shivers of you touch
nightingale – no music needed while around you, since
all I feel is music; you’re but the muse desired – never reached and craved…

and all I fear can be hidden in your heart; this long craved home
lying in all the words, and all the deeds; and all the unseen longings
I wish I were your morning smile; your radiating warmth while waking up –
nevertheless a dream is nothing but a dream – a question with no answer

The Song

Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep
I’ve lived so many times this storyteller’s tale;
And every time it ended in the same
and it became the song of grief

So I became the storyteller;
Picked up some stars and shards and
wrapped them into tales so strong
That no one dared to challenge


It’s been a while since dreams…

I see myself with a pencil in my hand, while
white sheets are laying in front of my eyes…
Yet every time I end up throwing everything
in a humiliating rage! Blank!

It’s been a while! Maybe I exaggerated holding your hand
in that bright afternoon, while walking in the park
Maybe… I just refuse to see what is in front of me


Kill! Stab! Smash! Stab! Smash!
Smash! Cut his fucking throaght

Kill the beast and Spread his blood!
Fucking bastard! Why don’t YOU just die?

Don’t look hehind you! Don’t even dare
of showing mercy to the little crying offsprings
They’re next! Them with their red hair
and sky like eyes!


It’s been so long since we’ve been able to talk;
So long that I wonder yet again what you see in front of you
I even realized that I was aiming  too high and
that the perfume from your hands, now laying on mine,
its almost like a bless – such a small gift for a crazy man

It’s been so long since the first glass of wine,
or the glass of coke, or… since the world, as I see now
Yet there’s one world, one small universe, I’m still so far from
and I’m almost frightened I will never get to know


l know I’ve told you that for this next poem
l’m waiting for the right music;
Well… I haven’t found it. It seems l am unable
To feel other music than the one you
Somehow manage to feed me

No matter how far you are…

l wonder… If I’ll try to steall from you
This precious gift I crave so much for

I’m going back to the stars…

So! I think it’s time I quit talking babbles; even though
I’m pretty sure that every word I’m saying is like
an open book to you; like you are to me when I’m around you

It’s time I put this in the words of a man; not a lover
not a story teller; not a boy and certainly not a poet –
Poets are shallow these days… natural deceivers
So I’ll try to put this story in my own words.

There’s not a moment going by, that I don’t think of you


And why in the world would you want him
You do not need to fight for his love
you do not have to fight for him
He’ll always be there in the shadow
Waiting for you! Will he?

So go on! Have fun! Waiste yourself
Among the the first bourn of the demons
Play With the light of your blue eyes
Play! Play! Give yourself to the world!


He dreamt he rose her in his arms
Sorounded by the blossom trees
Her eyes were raining happiness
And she was gazing so in love…

He dreamt the passion of a kiss
A moment longer than Forever
yet this was all a dream of wine
And none of this would be…