
So peaceful near you

So peaceful near you

So peaceful near you, holding your red wine glass;
sitting so close to the edge of this eighteen floor balcony…

More peaceful than my secret inner gardens,
or the bossom of the wildest forest; where
I can always become the freedom craving beast
or the hunter forever in love with his pray..
More peaceful than
the calm sweet silence of a kiss…

E-atat de liniste alaturi de tine, tinand paharul acela de vin rosu
si stand sprijinita de bara celui de-al opstrezecelea balcon…

Mai liniste decat in gradinile mele secrete (imaginare);
mai liniste decat in sanul padurii,
unde  pot reveni acea fiara salbatica emanand libertate
sau vanatorul indragostit obsesiv de prada sa…
Mai liniste decat tacerea molcoma si dulce a unui sarut…

Cirjan Dragos
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